Who is Bri the Dancing OT?Hello! My name is Brianna Osbourn, and I am an occupational therapist and post professional occupational therapy doctoral candidate at New York University. The development of Bri the Dancing OT is part of my doctoral work to bring the worlds of occupational therapy and dance together in order to provide effective, meaningful, and highly enjoyable treatment sessions to individuals with cerebral palsy. With over a decade's experience training in ballroom and latin dance, I have seen the variety of benefits dance has as it is motivating and both physically and mentally challenging.
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Look into the various ways Bri the Dancing OT can help you confidently implement the modality of dance
Video InstructionVisit the Bri the Dancing OT youtube channel to learn practical ways to implement dance into your practice.
Multidisciplinary Dance Intervention ForumJoin the information forum where occupational therapists can learn from dance studios, and dance studios can learn from occupational therapists!
Informational DocumentsDownload and utilize several informational brochures, presentations, and other various resources in order to inform your practice and clients.